Thank you for choosing to donate to the Nord Est Haiti Lutheran Mission.
PayPal General and Regular Donations: NEHLM is a ministry for Faith Lutheran Church, donations received are allocated as NEHLM
Sponsorship Donation- All orphans are sponsored at this time
If you would like to make a contribution there are three ways this can be done.
MAIL: Donations that NEHLM receives through the mail or delivered personally are sent at 100% of the donation directly to ministry in Haiti.
Please fill out form below or print form here. Mail donation check and form to NEHLM. (Sponsorship will begin upon receiving donation).
AUTO-WITHDRAWAL: Donate through Vanco Services
PAYPAL: Donations through Paypal
Please fill out contact information through Paypal in order to receive a receipt. Specific donation designation or notes can be requested on PayPal (Special Information Prompt when entering information).
NEHLM strives to send 100% of donations to the orphanage and school of Reverend Daniel Paul. A gift is tax deductible as allowed by law.
Contact Us with specific donation questions or concerns.