Completed, Current, and Future Projects
Thank you for your support of ministry through unallocated and allocated gifts!
Projects in Progress
SHORT TERM (spring 2023)
1) Sanitary stations for both schools and children’s homes.
2) Preparation of agricultural ground and planting of crops.
Vocational Training- Support for children to have vocational training in many valuable trades of construction, plumbing, electricity, sewing, and culinary arts.
Business Opportunity- Support children of MADO to begin working their own businesses.
Future Project
Worship Center- The present worship center at the girls’ home often has people seating and standing outside during services. The ministry has had turn away some school families due to not enough room. There is also desire from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti (ELCH-altar and pulpit fellowship with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) for a large worship center in the more political stable northeast Haiti.

Thank you for your support and prayers for this ministry.
We appreciate the support of donations through unallocated gifts that allow NEHLM board to send support for maintaining projects and pressing needs at MADO.
Please feel free to contact NEHLM if you have questions of projects at MADO.