In 2007, The House of the Lambs of God Orphanage (La Maison des Agneaux de Dieu Orphelinat --MADO) began taking Haitian orphan girls. In 2011, construction began on the boys’ complex and opened September 2012. The girls’ complex is home to about 50 orphan girls and the boys complex about 25 boys. Caregivers live with the children and care for them full-time.
The objective at MADO is to raise men and women to make a positive contribution to Haiti through providing a nurturing, Christian environment and an education. Haiti is a country of political unrest and turmoil. Change in the community can improve through a long-term commitment to Christian nurturing and education. The girls’ orphanage complex includes the buildings for the school and church as well as garden space. The boys’ orphanage complex is located approximately 1 mile away.
The ninth grade students of 2019, all students passed the government exams.
The school, College Evangelique le Lutherien de Ouanaminthe (CELO), is a private Christian school that is accredited by the Haitian government for grades preschool through 13th grade. Education in Haiti is approximately 90% private education due to historical mission involvement and lack of government funding. The school has approximately 300 students, including the orphans. The objective of education is to provide members of society who are able to be productive and support family and future generations of the local community. The curriculum includes Bible education, math, language (spoken and written French and Creole), life skills, music, and agriculture.
Church service at MADO in Ouanaminthe.
Reverend Paul shepherds a congregation (Eglise Evangelique Lutherienne de Ouanaminthe) in Ouanaminthe, Haiti, which is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti (ELCH). The church holds six weekly services and other outreach gatherings. As Bishop of Nord Est Haiti, Reverend Paul has other ministry obligations as an adjunct professor of the Lutheran Seminary in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and administrative and theological cooperation with the four other Lutheran bishops.
Baja Outreach Church
In 2013, Rev. Daniel Paul started expanding his proclamation ministry to Baja, Haiti. This church plant area started with a well construction for a community without safe drinking water. Lay ministers regularly hold meetings in Baja, Haiti, which is about 4-5 miles from La Maison des Agneaux de Dieu Orphelinate (The House of the Lambs of God Orphanage—MADO). In 2015, a building for worship and school was constructed. Rev. Paul has delegated Yves Telemarque with the responsibility of continuing work in this community. Yves, who is the school administrator at CELO is the pastor for the Baja Church. Yves wife, Manise, is the head teacher for the Baja school. Many of the children from Baja did not receive an education because it is a long walk to Ouanaminthe and most families were not able to pay for the tuition. Classes are regularly held in the afternoon for grades preschool -5th grade. The children are able to receive a daily meal and education.
Baja church services
Lunch time at Baja School
Building at Baja. Constructed Winter 2014.
Students at Baja school- younger students